América do Norte

Utah needs fair housing (USA)

April 20th, 2012 The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development defines “fair housing” as “all Americans hav[ing] equal access to the housing of their choice.” Sadly, especially for persons with disabilities, there is still a long way to go to realize this goal. The Fair Housing Amendments Act requires housing providers to make reasonable […]

USA: “Moving away from the criminalization of homelessness, a step in the right direction”

Three United Nations human rights experts on extreme poverty, housing, and water and sanitation welcomed a groundbreaking federal report in the United States of America which recognizes that the criminalization of homelessness may violate the human rights of homeless persons. The study by the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness and the U.S. Department of Justice condemns the criminalization of homelessness and recommends effective alternative practices and policies to reduce and prevent homelessness.

Better housing for those in need (USA)

April 23rd, 2012 Our opinion: The Albany Housing Authority is building new apartments and homes. The economics of housing work in favor of low-income families, for a welcome change. Good news on the housing front today, and a pleasant twist to the usual grim story of the 1 percent vs. the 99 percent. New housing is […]

What impact does the promotion of sports mega-events, like the Olympics or the World Cup, cause on the right to housing in cities?

We will publish in the next months an informative material on mega-events and right to housing, then we decided to open this topic of discussion for you to share your opinion and experiences on the issue. You can also send documents, studies, articles, news stories and reports.

Homelessness among female veterans

April 16ht, 2012 The Veterans Affairs Department is in the middle of an ambitious five-year plan to end homelessness among veterans by 2015. It should make sure that this effort protects the vulnerable population of women, whose risks and needs can be far different from those of men. The number of female veterans has soared since 1990, […]

Evictions on the rise in the City (USA)

April 16, 2012 Eviction rates increased in all boroughs except Manhattan in 2011, but nowhere was the problem as bad as in the Bronx. There were 10,140 evictions carried out in the Bronx in 2011, a 17 percent increase over the prior year, according to data from city marshal reports. Citywide, evictions rose 7 percent […]

Searching out solutions: Constructive alternatives to the criminalization of homelessness

April 10th, 2012 Individuals and families experiencing street homelessness face many barriers on their path to stability. Over and above their housing, physical, and behavioral health needs, many communities implement local measures that criminalize “acts of living” laws that prohibit sleeping, eating, sitting, or panhandling in public spaces, acts which generally are applicable to people […]

Will California act to create more affordable housing?

April 8th, 2012 by Joel John Roberts California’s state leaders are debating whether they should tax homebuyers in order to fund more affordable housing for those who struggle with renting a house, let a lone buying one. It used to be the “American Dream” was to purchase a detached single family home down the street […]

Campaign: are you a tenant in a foreclosed home?

The National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty has issued a campaign to monitor violations of the Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act. They need your help with their survey.

Tribal members evicted for oil field development

March 31st, 2012 NEW TOWN — Residents of a 45-lot mobile home park in New Town, many among the poorest members of the Three Affiliated Tribes, are being evicted and will be replaced by oil workers. Tribal leaders, who were offered a chance to buy the mobile home park, are working on a solution, but […]