Tenants in east London are being evicted from their homes as landlords attempt to cash in on the Olympics, BBC News has learned.

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The housing charity Shelter says it has seen more evidence of landlords acting unscrupulously and evicting people illegally.
One estate agent said properties typically rented for £350 per week were being marketed for £6,000 per week.
Shelter fears the problem will get worse as the Games approach.
The BBC’s Michael Buchanan says: “The potential profits are leading to some private landlords telling their tenants they have to leave their homes, with little notice.”
One woman told the BBC she and her four housemates had been given two weeks to leave; another couple had been given three weeks.
All said their landlords were seeking to capitalise on the Olympics.
Shelter says it has seen increasing evidence of landlords giving tenants little time to leave or increasing rents hugely during the Olympics and it worries the situation will get worse as the Games approach.
Housing Minister Grant Shapps said: “Landlords should be under no doubt that it is a criminal offence for them to evict a tenant without giving proper notice, and that anyone found guilty of doing this – or of harassing a tenant – could lead to a custodial sentence of up to two years.”
The National Landlords Association condemned the practice, saying it was more beneficial to landlords to have a good, long-term tenant in their property.
Source: BBC
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