Last month, the UN Human Rights Council adopted a resolution that defines what States should do to guarantee the right to housing in the context of prevention of natural disasters and also of reconstruction of regions that were affected by disasters. In these cases, the resolution requires that countries guarantee equal access to adequate housing to all those affected, with no discrimination of any kind and irrespective of the pre-disaster tenure status. Furthermore, the resolution suggests that countries prioritise the assistance to the most disadvantaged and vulnerable people, including the protection of the rights of residents of informal settlements.
* Resolution
To read the resolution on the right to housing in the context of disasters, click here. Also read the report on the same topic presented by the rapporteur Raquel Rolnik in October last year: click here.
* New debates
This month we inaugurate two new topics to be debated in our virtual platform: one on sports mega-events and another on housing finance and its impacts on the right to adequate housing. The discussions will contribute to the production of a booklet (mega-events) and a thematic report (housing finance) to be presented to the UN General Assembly. Join and contribute! Click here to learn more.
* Agenda
From April 26th to May 3rd, the rapporteur Raquel Rolnik will have a working visit to Chile, invited by organisations of the civil society, to debate the right to housing in the context of reconstruction of sites affected by natural disasters. Learn more.
* And more
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This newsletter is a project of the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing and it does not contain official information. Rapporteur (from May 2008): Raquel Rolnik
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