Europa Ocidental

10,000 families in Wales subjected to repossession or eviction claims in last year

A charity branded the figure “shocking” and the Welsh Government said it was “very concerned” at the effect UK Government welfare reforms and current economic conditions were having on people in Wales. In total, 3,806 claims were started by banks against mortgagees in Wales in 2012/3. Of these, 1,355 ended in bailiffs removing homeowners.

State must fix mortgage crisis plan and make it work

In the EU, new mortgage laws are on the horizon. They claim it will make the mortgage process more transparent, but it will make the borrower a target should anything go wrong. And it could remove the one-year freeze on banks moving in on distressed homeowners. Instead, they could act within 30 days. It was always about saving the banks. The borrowers don’t matter.

UK spends £2bn housing homeless in B&Bs, hostels and shelters

The UK has spent almost £2bn housing vulnerable homeless families in short-term temporary accommodation, according to figures that demonstrate the scale of Britain’s housing crisis.

Spain’s housing crisis

Spain’s Senate is debating new laws to give cash-strapped Spaniards more time to meet mortgage repayments and avoid eviction. Under the changes, banks would have to wait two years before repossessing the homes of disadvantaged families. For now, Spain finds itself continuing to evict people from their homes, even as millions of properties sit empty. Two very different solutions to this problem are now arising.

The future’s communal: meet the UK’s self-build pioneers

A new co-housing development of 41 homes has just been completed here – and all without a developer in sight. By sharing facilities, the Forgebank community aims to solve these problems, reducing costs and environmental impact. It has its own laundry and a workshop with shared tools. There are two guest bedrooms, freeing up space in individual houses, and a huge kitchen, dining room and living area in the common house, as well as a shared playroom – complete with big box of communal Lego.

Landmark legislation to end homelessness comes into force in Scotland

In November 2012, the Parliament of Scotland adopted the Homelessness (Abolition of Priority Need Test) (Scotland) Order 2012, and the law came into force on 31 December. The legislation aims to effectively end homelessness by entitling all people facing homelessness unintentionally a right to settled accommodation.

Special Rapporteur sends 19 communications during the second semester of 2012

Check the communications sent by the Special Rapporteurs, as well as the answers received from the Member States, referring to the second half of 2012.

Resident Groups Combat Spike in Evictions in Germany

Skyrocketing rents in many German cities are pitting residents against real estate developers and landlords. The recent death of an elderly woman forced out of her apartment has emboldened alliances to protest evictions with sit-ins.

A terrace house for £1 or £250m – Britain’s bizarre housing crisis

News in austerity Britain is not short on grotesque juxtapositions, but there was one this week that was just so spectacular that it couldn’t pass without comment. In the same week, terrace houses were expected to change hands in different parts of the country for £250m and £1.

German municipalities demand affordable housing

The association representing 3,400 German cities and towns has called on the federal government to hand over more former Cold War military sites such as barracks to provide affordable housing and tackle rising prices.