
UN Special Rapporteur, Raquel Rolnik, talks about right to housing and mega-events

Professor Raquel Rolnik talks about mega sports events, like the World Cup and the Olympics, and their impacts on human rights.

Special Rapporteur visits Curitiba, Brazil, to address the impacts of the World Cup to the right to housing

(Português) A Relatora Especial da ONU, Raquel Rolnik, visitou Curitiba para abordar a questão do direito à moradia no contexto dos megaeventos esportivos e dos mega-projetos. A capital paranaense será uma das cidades-sede da Copa do Mundo de 2014 no Brasil.
A visita fez parte da “I Semana de Cultura e Cidade – Metrópolis”, evento realizado pelo Ministério Público do Paraná, em parceria com o Programa de Educação Tutorial da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR). O objetivo principal das visitas e reuniões é debater a situação das comunidades ameaçadas de remoção.

2012 Communications Report available for viewing

The UN Human Rights Council has already made available for viewing the report with all communications sent by the Special Rapporteurs, as well as the answers received by the Member States.

Riover and out

Families’ agony as 30,000 are evicted from their homes in £11bn slum facelift In tree bark skirt and macaw feather head-dress Tobi Itauni waves an impaled deer’s skull at the builders working on the Maracanã soccer stadium.     “I’m warding off evil spirits,” the wide-eyed Amazonian Indian tells me as he murmurs a chant […]

Riover and out

August 26, 2012 Families’ agony as 30,000 are evicted from their homes in £11bn slum facelift IN tree bark skirt and macaw feather head-dress Tobi Itauni waves an impaled deer’s skull at the builders working on the Maracanã soccer stadium. “I’m warding off evil spirits,” the wide-eyed Amazonian Indian tells me as he murmurs a […]

Rio favela residents say they’re being forced out by the Olympic

Vila Autodromo is a long way from the stereotype of a Brazilian favela — there are no drug traffickers and no troops. The 3000 residents who have lived here for the last 5O years don’t want to go anywhere — but the city of Rio has other ideas. They say the area – which has no sewage system or school – is a slum, and have promised the inhabitants better housing if they move out to make way for the 2016 Olympic Park.

Vila Autódromo, in Rio de Janeiro, Resists With Plano Popular

With residents of several favela communities in Rio de Janeiro facing resettlement and others having already been removed from their homes to make way for 2016 Olympic infrastructure development, the longstanding community of Vila Autódromo is pushing back with their Plano Popular da Vila Autódromo.

Brazil residents face evictions ahead of 2016 Olympics

As many as 170,000 Brazilians are at risk of losing – or have already lost – their homes to make room for the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Olympics and the 2014 FIFA World Cup. These forced evictions disregard human rights, leaving homes destroyed and lives disrupted.

Rio 2016: The race is on to revamp Brazil’s party city

August 13, 2012 The curtain has fallen on the London Olympics, so all eyes are now turning to the next host city – Rio de Janeiro. Brazil has a huge task to get the venues ready, as the BBC’s Quentin Sommerville reports from the city. At the beach’s edge in Barra da Tijuca in Rio […]

As Brazil receives Olympic flag, forced evictions taint the handover

August 12, 2012 Demonstrations are taking place in Brazil this week to call attention to the human rights violations happening in Rio de Janeiro as a result of the 2016 Olympics Today, International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Count Jacques Rogge will present the Mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Mr. Eduardo Paes, with the Olympic flag in a […]