
UN says Israel destroys Palestinian Bedouin homes

April 23rd, 2012 UN agencies in the occupied West Bank said on Sunday that Israel last week destroyed 21 homes of Palestinian Bedouin refugees, making 54 people including 35 children homeless. A joint statement from the refugee agency UNRWA and the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs condemned the April 18 demolition of the […]

EU condemns Palestinians’ eviction in east Jerusalem

The European Union missions in Jerusalem and Ramallah condemned on Saturday the recent eviction of a Palestinian family from its east Jerusalem home, ahead of its inhabitation by Jewish settlers.

Special Rapporteur visits Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territory – Newsletter #18

On February 12, the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, Raquel Rolnik, concluded her official visit to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory holding a press conference in Jerusalem, in which she presented her preliminary findings. In March, the Rapporteur will present to the UN Human Rights Council, in Geneva, her Argentina and Algeria missions reports and also the thematic report on women and the right to housing.

UN: Israel dispossessing Palestinians via Judaization policy

The UN says Israel is dispossessing the Palestinians in the Tel Aviv-occupied territories as well as the members of its Arab minority of their residences through a ‘strategy of Judaization.’

Press Release: “Israel’s policies violate right to housing and need urgent revision”

Raquel Rolnik, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, has said that “after the recent privatization, deregulation and commercialization of public assets in Israel, urban and housing policies have made it increasingly difficult for low income families to obtain affordable accommodation, violating their right to adequate housing.”

Press Release: UN Special Rapporteur to visit Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory

GENEVA – The UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, Raquel Rolnik, will visit Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory from 29 January to 12 February 2012. Among other issues, the mission will examine challenges in access to adequate housing and housing affordability, the situation of groups vulnerable to discrimination, forced evictions and access to construction materials.

More than 150,000 take to streets across Israel in largest housing protest yet

More than 100,000 people took to the streets Saturday to protest the spiraling costs of living in Israel. Marches and rallies took place in eleven cities across the country, with the largest ones taking place in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Be’er Sheva and Haifa. The protesters chanted “the people demand social justice” and “we want justice, not charity.”

Israel continues colonization

Notícia disponível apenas em inglês:

International opposition to Israel’s settler colony construction has become
increasingly outspoken, with the Quartet Road Map as the main diplomatic
reference. Since the start of 2009, the Israeli government and state agencies
have escalated in word and deed their defiance of calls to respect the
ban against colonization, wanton destruction and dispossession. The following
dossier of recent media reports, official statements and relevant documents
tracks developments in the bureaus and on the ground through 2009-10.

Entries are chronological, with historical documents linked in their context.
Please scroll to bottom for latest developmentsHLRN

International opposition to Israel’s settler colony construction has become
increasingly outspoken, with the Quartet Road Map as the main diplomatic
reference. Since the start of 2009, the Israeli government and state agencies
have escalated in word and deed their defiance of calls to respect the
ban against colonization, wanton destruction and dispossession. The following
dossier of recent media reports, official statements and relevant documents
tracks developments in the bureaus and on the ground through 2009-10.

Communications Report (2010)

This report has the summary of communications sent and replies received from following Governments and other actors: Bangladesh, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Cameroun, China, Colombia, Congo, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Kenya Korea (Republic of), Mexico, Nigeria, Panama, Papua  New Guinea, Philippines, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Serbia,  South Africa,  Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkmenistan, Uganda,  […]

Communications Report (2009)

This report has the summary of communications sent and replies received from following Governments: Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, Cameroun, China (People’s Republic of), Colombia, Ethiopia, Greece, India, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Kyrgyzstan, México, Nigeria,  Panamá, Russian Federation, Sri Lanka Sudan, Suisse, Turkey, United States of America, Uzbekistan, Zimbabwe. In the context of his mandate, the Special […]