Remoções forçadas

Brazil residents face evictions ahead of 2016 Olympics

As many as 170,000 Brazilians are at risk of losing – or have already lost – their homes to make room for the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Olympics and the 2014 FIFA World Cup. These forced evictions disregard human rights, leaving homes destroyed and lives disrupted.

EU keeps close eye on French gypsy expulsion

August 11, 2012 EU and human rights groups say they are monitoring closely how France dismantles mobile camps across the country and removes hundreds of gypsies, to ensure Paris’s actions are consistent with the Union’s rules on the free movement of people. Throughout the week police have broken up camps around the country, including areas […]

Do not keep silent: communicate your case of eviction!

The Tribunal for Evictions launches an international call to identify cases of evictions for its 2012 session. The Tribunal will take place on 28 September 2012 in Geneva within the Geneva Habitat Forum and for the launch of the World Zero Evictions days 2012.

Nigeria: The Scramble for African Land (I)

August 9, 2012 Just like more than two-thirds of the human body consists of water, the earth is 75 per cent water. Land is therefore a precious finite resource that is just a quarter of the earth’s surface. No wonder it has been a source of many conflicts and wars over the centuries. The Arab […]

Zimbabwe: U.S.$4 Million Required for Relocation of Tokwe-Murkosi Displacements

August 9, 2012 Government requires US$4 million to build four new schools for nearly 3 000 families being relocated to pave way for the Tokwe-Murkosi Dam in Chivi South. Relocation of the families from the dam’s flood area has started with nearly 60 families having already been resettled in the Chisase area near Nuanetsi Ranch. […]

France clears Roma camp in fresh wave of expulsions

August 9, 2012 French police raided a makeshift Roma camp on Thursday, evicting 200 people as the Socialist government quietly follows the former conservative administration’s policy of repatriating illegal immigrants. Dozens of police officers in riot gear descended on the camp near the city of Lille, in northern France, shortly after dawn to oversee the […]

Nigeria: Human Rights Commission to Investigate Demolitions

August 7, 2012 The National Human Rights Commission has vowed to investigate the recent demolition of human settlements in different parts of the country by federal or state authorities. Hundreds of thousands of residents were displaced at the Waterside in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Mpape in the Federal Capital Territory and Makoko in the Lagos […]

Czech Republic: Roma families at imminent risk of forced eviction

August 3rd, 2012 Dozens of Roma families living in rental accommodation in the north-eastern Czech town of Ostrava face being forcibly evicted over the weekend, Amnesty International and European Roma Rights Centre said as they requested local authorities to explore all feasible alternatives first. On Friday morning the head of Ostrava’s construction office delivered an eviction […]

Roma refuse to leave their Ostrava homes in Czech Republic

August 5, 2012 Around 140 people, primarily Czech Romanies, still remain in the shanty town Prednadrazi in Ostrava-Privoz they were ordered to leave by the planning and building authority yesterday. There are many children among the people. Locals are trying to partly repair the houses and they want the office to change its decision, local […]

Czech Authorities Must Prevent a Forced Eviction of Roma Families

August 3rd, 2012 Amnesty International today called on Czech authorities to prevent forcibly evicting dozens of Roma families living in rental accommodations in the north-eastern Czech town of Ostrava this weekend. On Friday morning, the head of Ostrava’s construction office delivered an eviction notice to more than 40 Roma families living in rented housing on […]