América do Norte

For black Americans, financial damage from subprime implosion is likely to last

The implosion of the subprime lending market has left a scar on the finances of black Americans — one that not only has wiped out a generation of economic progress but could leave them at a financial disadvantage for decades. At issue are the largely invisible but profoundly influential three-digit credit scores that help determine who can buy a car, finance a college education or own a home. The scores are based on consumers’ financial history and suffer when they fall behind on their bills. For blacks, the picture since the recession has been particularly grim.

In the US, California lawmakers pass historic foreclosure protections

(Português) State lawmakers approve what would be the nation’s strongest legislation to help financially troubled borrowers stay in their homes. Gov. Jerry Brown is expected to sign them this week or next. The legislation would make California the first state to prohibit lenders from “dual tracking”, the practice of negotiating with clients to modify a mortgage so that payments become more affordable while simultaneously pursuing foreclosure.

In the United States, more homeless evictions are expected

July 1st, 2012 More cruel and heartless evictions of the homeless will take place in Fresno on July 16. The City of Fresno has budgeted $968,232 to demolish the Monterey Street Bridge which is the site of several homeless encampments. This bridge, which engineers say can no longer be used for automobile traffic, is currently […]

Take Back the Land Madison video on housing liberation

Watch bellow one of the two videos made by Take Back the Land Madison. The group requests Bank of America to turn a home over to a community land trust so it can be used as affordable housing, instead of evicting their occupants. The other video is also available here, just click to read the entire post.

A chance to reduce foreclosure abuse in the USA

July 2nd, 2012 The state with the biggest home foreclosure problem is finally on the verge of adopting new rules to ease the crisis. The overdue changes fix lending abuses that threaten to kick thousands out of their homes. Since 2008, when the housing bubble began deflating, some half million homeowners have landed in foreclosure and […]

In the US, Thousands Flee Colorado Springs Area as Winds Fuel Wildfire

June 27, 2012 With wind and heat giving it new strength, the furious wildfire that has been burning in the foothills around Colorado’s second-largest city doubled in size by Wednesday, first roaring past containment lines and forcing tens of thousands of residents to flee, chased by billowing smoke, blowing ash and the fear that their […]

In the US, Latinos are hit hard by foreclosure spike

June 25, 2012 Watch here the report made by CNN Money about how the economic crisis has affected the Latino population in the US, specially regarding foreclosures.   Source: CNN

Triad United States, Canada and China boycott minimum possibilities of advances in the Rio +20

June 6, 2012 United States, Canada and China, with occasional support from other countries (like Russia), depending on the situation, are boycotting the minimum possible Rio +20 conclude with concrete progress in terms of measures to reverse the global environmental crisis. The boycott of these countries was evident in the third round of informal negotiations […]

Canada needs a rental housing plan

May 28, 2012 Jobs will go unfilled if people don’t have affordable places to live that are close to work and transit On May 15, the City of Vancouver council approved the Secured Rental Housing Policy. Part of the City’s Housing and Homelessness Strategy, this new city policy outlines a package of incentives for property […]

Affordable housing growing scarce in US

May 24, 2012 Housing advocates say affordable housing is growing scarce in the United States with fewer people able to own their own homes and rents rising. Paola Nunez, is a childcare worker in Washington.  Until recently, she lived with her mother.  But she decided it was time to move out and get her own […]