Reconstruction after natural disasters: developments

The presentation of the report on post-disaster reconstruction to the UN General Assembly on October 19 in New York and the performing of a parallel event on the theme – with participation of delegations from various countries, international NGOs and multilateral organisations – created an intense debate and some interesting developments.

On November 4, the report and its recommendations were debated in the “Global Shelter Housing, Land Property Cluster Meeting” by the agencies that are part of the Housing, Land and Property Group under “IASC Protection Cluster”, the UN body which coordinates humanitarian aid after the occurrence of disasters.

Many participants agreed with the report conclusions and, in some work groups, they searched to evaluate the implementation potential of some of the recommendations, highlighting obstacles and areas that still need to be worked on within the national and international levels.

To have more information and read the report on post-disaster reconstruction, click here

Read an article in OHCHR site about the issue.

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