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Security of tenure: collaborate with the debate! Send us documents, articles, reports, information about practices for recognition and promotion of security of tenure for urban poor in your country!

Do you have/know any experience in the areas below? How is it implemented and what results were obtained?

1. Initiatives and instruments for recognition of the right to tenure of informal settlers, including collective forms

2. Implementation of planning and land use  instruments that guarantee security of tenure and access to urbanized land or adequate housing by the urban poor

3. Conflicts between recognition of the right to tenure and environmental or cultural preservation legislation, urban legislation or the legislation regarding public assets. How does it manifest itself? What actions / instruments are being used to solve these situations?

4. Special legislation for protection of tenants and lessees


26 responses

  1. Train the unemployed to build for the homeless – The issue is really the affordability and quality of homes At moladi we combine economic development with social development when delivering houses. We believe in training the unemployed skills necessary to build quality homes, creating much needed jobs – This brings us back to basics –…
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