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Welcome to the debate platform of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing

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Security of tenure: collaborate with the debate! Send us documents, articles, reports, information about practices for recognition and promotion of security of tenure for urban poor in your country!

This questionnaire is designed primarily to obtain information for the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing’s ongoing study on security of tenure for urban poor and the most vulnerable, including questions related to informal settlements.

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What impact does the promotion of sports mega-events, like the Olympics or the World Cup, cause on the right to housing in cities?

We will publish in the next months an informative material on mega-events and right to housing, then we decided to open this topic of discussion for you to share your opinion and experiences on the issue. You can also send documents, studies, articles, news stories and reports.

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In your country, are there bank credit to finance housing for low-income populations? What has been the impact of these programmes on the right to adequate housing for these individuals and communities? How has the recent financial crisis affected these programmes?

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Welcome! Introduce yourself

Hello everybody! Please, describe yourself here!

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(Español) Usted necesita de ayuda? Quiere hacer una sugerencia?

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Recommendations / Recomendaciones

((English))We have learned through these consultations that often times, while women’s housing rights are protected in law, they are routinely violated in practice. What recommendations do you have to overcome this obstacle? What more needs to be done? ((Español))Hemos aprendido a través de estas consultas que muchas veces, mientras que los derechos de las mujeres […]

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(English) Legislative Advancements

(English)Please use this space to discuss what advances there have been in law/policy in your country or region protecting or recognizing women’s right to adequate housing and/or land.

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