Oriente Médio e Norte da Africa

Algeria’s statement on the country visit report

On March 6th, 2012, the UN special rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing, Raquel Rolnik, presented at the 19th regular session of the UN Human Rights Council, in Geneva, the reports concerning her 2011 missions to Argentina and Algeria, as well as her thematic report on women and their right to adequate housing. After this […]

Morocco’s statement on the report “Women and Adequate Housing”

On March 6th, 2012, the UN special rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing, Raquel Rolnik, presented at the 19th regular session of the UN Human Rights Council, in Geneva, the reports concerning her 2011 missions to Argentina and Algeria, as well as her thematic report on women and their right to adequate housing. After this […]

Presentation of mission’s reports and report on Women and Right to Adequate Housing

The Special Rapporteur Raquel Rolnik presented today (March 6th) her report on Women and the Right to Adequate Housing to the UN Human Rights Council. In the video below you can watch her presentation. It begins in the minut 21st.

Special Rapporteur visits Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territory – Newsletter #18

On February 12, the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, Raquel Rolnik, concluded her official visit to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory holding a press conference in Jerusalem, in which she presented her preliminary findings. In March, the Rapporteur will present to the UN Human Rights Council, in Geneva, her Argentina and Algeria missions reports and also the thematic report on women and the right to housing.

UN: Israel dispossessing Palestinians via Judaization policy

The UN says Israel is dispossessing the Palestinians in the Tel Aviv-occupied territories as well as the members of its Arab minority of their residences through a ‘strategy of Judaization.’

Press Release: “Israel’s policies violate right to housing and need urgent revision”

Raquel Rolnik, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, has said that “after the recent privatization, deregulation and commercialization of public assets in Israel, urban and housing policies have made it increasingly difficult for low income families to obtain affordable accommodation, violating their right to adequate housing.”

Welcome! Introduce yourself

Hello everybody! Please, describe yourself here!

Press Release: UN Special Rapporteur to visit Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory

GENEVA – The UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, Raquel Rolnik, will visit Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory from 29 January to 12 February 2012. Among other issues, the mission will examine challenges in access to adequate housing and housing affordability, the situation of groups vulnerable to discrimination, forced evictions and access to construction materials.

Video: ‘Istanbul is Naked’

‘ Istanbul is Naked’ is a video about people expulsed from some sites in Istabul. The video focus on Sulukule (demolished&evacuated),Tarlabasi (recently evacuated,waiting to be demolished),Tozkoparan (under threat of forced evictions) and TOKI ( Mass Housing) Blocks at Tasoluk (relocation site, showing the ‘myth’ of relocation).

İstanbul Çıplak – Istanbul Is Naked from Kara Bayrak on Vimeo.

Recommendations / Recomendaciones

((English))We have learned through these consultations that often times, while women’s housing rights are protected in law, they are routinely violated in practice. What recommendations do you have to overcome this obstacle? What more needs to be done? ((Español))Hemos aprendido a través de estas consultas que muchas veces, mientras que los derechos de las mujeres […]