Europa Ocidental

UN rights expert warns of regression on the right to adequate housing in the United Kingdom

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on housing expressed serious concern about a deterioration in the enjoyment of the right to adequate housing in the United Kingdom.

UK Mission ends next week – Newsletter #38

Find out more about the Rapporteur’s mission to the UK, the news on the Security of Tenure project and the selection for new rapporteurs.

Claims of illegal eviction in Uganda haunt German firm

In 2001, more than 4,000 people were evicted from land in Uganda after it had been acquired by a German coffee firm on a 99 year lease. The company insists the deal was above board, but an NGO is now raising doubts.

UN rights expert to assess housing issues in the UK

The Special Rapporteur will visit the United Kingdom from 29 August to 11 September to assess policies and programmes to address issues of social housing, among others.

Check the responses received from countries for the security of tenure questionnaire

Read the responses sent by governments to the Questionnaire on Security of Tenure. They will inform the Special Rapporteur’s final report to the HRC and other related guidance.

Homeless Tour Gives Glimpse of Berlin’s Underbelly

This tour was developed by Carsten Voss in collaboration with the association querstadtein. Its goal is to bring people who live on the margins of society into contact with the mainstream public by offering homeless people an opportunity to give guided tours of their neighborhoods — the parks and streets where they meet their friends, and the organizations and outreach centers that provide them with support.

Rapporteur participates in different activities in Europe. Next mission will be in UK – Newsletter #37

Know more about the Rapporteur’s activities in Europe and her next mission to the United Kingdom.

Spain Top Court Freezes Andalusia Anti-Eviction Decree

Spain’s constitutional court has suspended a regional decree that makes it harder for banks to conduct evictions and penalizes lenders and real-estate firms for holding vacant properties, a spokeswoman for the government of Andalusia said Thursday.

Spain Suspends Anti-eviction Measures

Spain’s Constitutional Court on Thursday suspended the use of measures aimed at preventing banks from evicting mortgage defaulters from their homes until it makes a final ruling on the matter.

Financial crises should not become human rights crises

The financial crisis in itself is not what we all are concerned about. In fact, we could make the case that crises are just inherent to capitalism. The problem began when the financial crisis turned into a human rights crisis. We must pay try to understand and respond to the material and ideological underpinnings of this transformation.