Between 2002 and 2006, the Rapporteur made a series of consultations with civil society on women’s access to and ownership of housing and land. Further research, country missions and a specific questionnaire allowed the collection of additional data, resulting in three thematic reports submitted to the UN Human Rights Commission in the years of 2003, […]
Published in Monday September 3rd, 2012
The right to adequate housing is clearly recognized in international human rights law, including in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which provides for “the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living for himself and his family including adequate food, clothing and housing, and to the continuous improvement of living […]
August 12, 2012 A women-only industrial city dedicated to female workers is to be constructed in Saudi Arabia to provide a working environment that is in line with the kingdom’s strict customs. The city, to be built in the Eastern Province city of Hofuf, is set to be the first of several planned for the Gulf […]
Published in Tuesday June 26th, 2012
In News
June 22, 2012 When Thabita Mukamusana’s partner died shortly after the birth of their child, she raised their son without hope of connecting him to his paternal family, or his inheritance, in her village in south-west Rwanda. Because the boy had been born outside of marriage, she believed that any claim would be impossible. Yet […]
Published in Monday May 28th, 2012
May 28, 2012 ESR Review: Economic and Social Rights in South Africa recently published an article on Gender dimensions of the right to adequate housing from an international perspective by Mayra Gomez and Bret Thiele, Co-Executive Directors of the Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The article examines how women’s housing and land rights […]
May 1st, 2012 About a dozen women who stripped down to their underwear were among 100 protesters outside Cambodia’s National Assembly on Tuesday demanding land titles they said they were promised after being evicted from their homes. The protesters said they had been residents of Phnom Penh’s Boueng Kak lake area whose land was awarded […]
Published in Wednesday April 18th, 2012

Although, in recent decades, we, women, have taken great strides towards equal rights all over the world, on March 8th we are reminded that there is still much to do. On the International Women’s Day, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing stresses the urgent need for States to make all possible effort to guarantee the right of women to housing.
Published in Thursday April 12th, 2012
In Reports
Thematic reports: Women
Mission reports: Argentina and Algeria
April 10th, 2012 by Josh Chin, with contributions from Olivia Geng A disabled former lawyer who has clashed repeatedly with authorities while assisting people illegally evicted from their homes was sentenced on Tuesday to two years and eight months in prison for fraud and “creating a disturbance,” her attorney said. The sentence marks the latest sign […]
Published in Thursday March 15th, 2012
On March 6th, 2012, the UN special rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing, Raquel Rolnik, presented at the 19th regular session of the UN Human Rights Council, in Geneva, the reports concerning her 2011 missions to Argentina and Algeria, as well as her thematic report on women and their right to adequate housing. After this […]