There are 100.000 empty properties in the Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires – it is to say that no inhabitants are living in there. Since 2005 different organizations – local and international ones – have been presenting this problem wherever it corresponds, it is to say not only to the “Senado de la Nación” (National Senate Parliament) but also to the local and national authorities as well.
Published in Tuesday May 24th, 2011
In News
Watch below three videos (in Spanish) from the mission to Argentina, which was held from April 13th to 21st.
Published in Wednesday May 11th, 2011

From June 8th to 11th, the United Nations Special Rapporteur Raquel Rolnik will participate in a workshop in Haiti promoted to discuss the country reconstruction strategy and the right to housing. Moreover, she continues to prepare her mission to Algeria, which will be held in July from 9th to 19th. There is still time to send contributions. Another important new is that the Rapporteur’s virtual platform, which will be used in the project “Women’s Land and Housing Rights”, will start early next month. Stay tuned!
Published in Thursday April 21st, 2011
Photos of the mission to Argentina held between 10th and 21th April 2011.
Published in Wednesday April 20th, 2011
In News
BUENOS AIRES-GENEVA: “I commend the Government’s decision of 2003 to consider housing a responsibility of the State, but I’m very concerned about violent evictions taking place in various regions of the country and the lack of more comprehensive promotion of adequate housing in Argentina, “said UN Special Rapporteur Raquel Rolnik, as she concluded her official mission to the country (13-21 April 2011).

The UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing Raquel Rolnik has just completed her mission to Argentina, where she has been between April 13th and 21st. After visiting the country, where she met with representatives of the government, civil society organizations and citizens, she presented her preliminary findings. The final report will be presented to the UN Human Rights Council in March 2012.
Published in Tuesday January 11th, 2011

In the beginning of this year, the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing has already scheduled important activities. In February, Raquel Rolnik will participate in a conference on Access to housing for Roma communities in Prague, Czech Republic. In March, she will present her thematic report on Post Disaster/Post Conflict Reconstruction and right to housing at the Human Rights Council, in Geneve, together with the country mission reports of Kazakhstan and Croatia; then, in April, she will conduct her first country mission of 2011, in Argentina. And the year is just beginning!
Published in Saturday January 24th, 2009
In Reports
This report has the summary of communications sent and replies received from following Governments: Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, Cameroun, China (People’s Republic of), Colombia, Ethiopia, Greece, India, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Kyrgyzstan, México, Nigeria, Panamá, Russian Federation, Sri Lanka Sudan, Suisse, Turkey, United States of America, Uzbekistan, Zimbabwe. In the context of his mandate, the Special […]
Published in Thursday January 24th, 2008
In Reports
This report has the summary of communications sent and replies received from following Governments: Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, Cameroun, China, Czech Republic, Egypt, Greece, Honduras, India, Israel, Italy, Lao People’s Democratic Republic (the), Malaysia, , México, Nepal, Philippines, South Africa, Sudan (the), Switzerland, Tajikistan, Thailand, Uruguay, Vietnam, United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo. In […]