Remoções forçadas

Guides and leaflets on forced evictions are reprinted for distribution. Also learn more about the Rio +20 – Newsletter # 22

From June 13th to June 22nd, Rio de Janeiro will host the Rio +20, a United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. At the occasion, Rapporteur Raquel Rolnik will take part in some debates and events. Still in the same month, the Rapporteur will attend the international colloquium “Cities are us” in Coimbra University, Portugal. In addition, next month, the Rapporteur will make available leaflets and guides on forced evictions, which have been reprinted. Also in July, from 5th to 13th, the Rapporteur will go on a mission to Rwanda.

Movie addresses the evictions in South Africa

Watch below the trailer of Dear Mandela, a movie about the mass evictions realized in South Africa’s shantytowns.

In India, slum eviction drive turns violent

June 14, 2012 A slum eviction drive turned violent here after police resorted to baton charge on slum dwellers. Hundreds of slum dwellers have been rendered homeless, and at least 15 persons were reported were severely injured after the baton charge. Slum dwellers complained that they were not served prior notice to vacate the area. […]

Nils Muižnieks concerned by eviction of Roma families to Romanian “toxic dump”

June 12, 2012 Re-locating more than 300 Romanian Roma families to buildings of a disused chemical factory, breaches housing rights and may be life-threatening, the human rights commissioner has warned. Commissioner Nils Muižnieks wants the authorities in the Romanian city of Baia Mare to rehouse the families, following reports that 22 children and two adults […]

In Australia, housing evictions rise due to three strikes policy

June 5, 2012 The State Government’s ‘three strikes’ housing policy has led to almost one eviction a day from Homeswest properties. The three strikes policy for Homeswest tenants came into effect a year ago in response to public outcry over the explosion of a clandestine drug lab in public housing. Figures now show since the […]

Open letter against the illegal and inhuman actions against the Roma people, in Romania

Read the open letter signed by Romani CRISS, Sanse Egale (Equal Opportunities) and Asociatia Umanitara Impreuna pentru Ei (Humanitarian Asociation Together For Them), opposing to actions initiated by the mayor of City Hall Baia Mare (Romania), against citizens of Roma ethnicity in the locality, specially regarding their right to housing.

Colombia evictions: residents bury themselves in protest

Residents from the northern Colombian town of Aguachica have protested against evictions by burying themselves in the ground. The news report can be fully watched here.

In South Africa, eviction victims welcome flats ruling

May 30, 2012 Some of the families who lost their belongings during the October 2008 evictions from Wimpy, Kamogelo and Kagisano flats in Mafikeng have welcomed the North West High Court ruling that returns ownership of the properties to the government. Last week the court dismissed with costs an appeal by MR Properties for R22m […]

Risk of eviction for 300 families within 48 hours in Haiti

Photo from the site archive.

May 27, 2012 300 residents of Camp Mormon in the municipality of Delmas in Port-au-Prince, risk a forced eviction within 15 days either within 48 hours, have told to Amnesty International delegates the camp residents, recalling that at 3 am on 14 May, approximately 20 men, including local municipal officials, entered the camp and warned […]

Documentary: Sukulele, transformation for whom?

The documentary shows the eviction of the Sukulele neighborhood in Istanbul due to “urban transformation”. Most of the residents were Roma and they were relocated to another area, not compatible with their budget and their life condition.