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The Making of an Urban Occupation: Manoel Congo

Manoel Congo is comprised of 42 families and 120 residents, the vast majority of whom have lived there since occupation in 2007. Many, but not all, are MNLM activists. Watch the video below to find out more about community life in this occupation:

In the United States, more homeless evictions are expected

July 1st, 2012 More cruel and heartless evictions of the homeless will take place in Fresno on July 16. The City of Fresno has budgeted $968,232 to demolish the Monterey Street Bridge which is the site of several homeless encampments. This bridge, which engineers say can no longer be used for automobile traffic, is currently […]

In Nigeria, Abonnema Wharf Community Demolished By The Rivers State Government

The Social and Economic Rights Action Center (SERAC) strongly condemns the on-going demolition of Abonnema community by the Rivers state government. The invasion and destruction of the homes, properties and businesses of residents of the community without the due process of law is callous, unjust, illegal and a reckless affront to constitutional governance.

Cambodia: release of 13 Boeung Kak representatives tainted by police violence

Organizations welcome the release today of the 13 jailed Boeung Kak (BK) representatives who protested agains land eviction. However, they strongly condemn police violence against BK residents trying to reach the appeal court and regret that the convictions against the 13 were upheld despite the government’s failure, again, to present any evidence of the alleged crimes.

In Cambodia, Court frees 13 land eviction protesters

June 27, 2012 A Cambodian appeals court Wednesday ordered the release of 13 women who had been sentenced to 2½ years in prison for protesting their eviction from their homes without adequate compensation, in a case that was widely seen as an example of injustice. The women cheered in the courtroom, their supporters applauded and […]

Israeli demolitions: “Number of Palestinians affected has increased by 87%”, says UN Special Rapporteur

June 27, 2012 United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, Richard Falk, warned Wednesday that the number of people affected by the demolition of Palestinian buildings has increased by 87% compared to last year. Mr. Falk also demanded that the Israeli Government immediately stop demolishing Palestinian homes […]

From homes to prison cells: a story of land grabbing in Cambodia

Watch the video about the impact of land grabbing on poor people in Cambodia, exposing the risks faced by housing rights activists.

Campaign against demolitions in Lubango, Angola

June 25, 2012 The Housing and Land Rights Network of Habitat International Coalition has learned from the Constructing Communities Association (Associação Construindo Comunidades (ACC), HIC-HLRN Association and other sources in Angola, of current and further forced evictions in the “Arco-Iris” (Rainbow) Zone of Lubango City, in Angola’s southwestern Huíla Province. From 12 May up to 12 […]

Eviction drive sends families to the streets in Indira Nagar, India

The Chennai Corporation on Monday removed several houses and a small temple that came in the way of a proposed approach road to a new bridge connecting Rajiv Gandhi Salai and Indira Nagar. The bridge was recently inaugurated by Chief Minister Jayalalithaa via teleconferencing.

Seventeen killed in violent land eviction in Paraguay

In Paraguay, an eviction action resulted in 17 deaths. The conflict ocurred in the Canindeuyu district, 240 kilometers from the capital. The local farmers say the State illegally distributed the land during the military rule of Alfredo Stroessner.