(Português) O Comitê Popular de Fortaleza divulgou, nesta quarta-feira, sua carta de apresentação com os princípios de sua fundação e de sua articulação. Para ler o documento clique no botão abaixo.
This content is about the theme Megaeventos. Learn more about it.
Other materials related to the theme Megaeventos
- In the media When it comes to hosting the Olympics, more cities are saying, ‘Hold that thought.’
- In the media Brazil’s evicted ‘won’t celebrate World Cup’
- Opinion People’s right to the city has been eroded by mega-event evictions in Rio de Janiero
This content is about Brasil. Learn more about the country.
Other materials related to the theme Brasil
- In the media (Português) MST bloqueia rodovias em SP contra despejo de assentamento
- Mobilisation and agenda (Português) Instituto Pólis lança documentário ‘A caminho da Copa’, dia 19/06, no Rio de Janeiro
- News (Português) Assista ao programa A Liga, da Band, sobre moradias precárias
- Social movement news (Português) Denúncia: máquinas avançam sobre as casas das famílias que residem ao lado do Beira-Rio
- In the media (Português) Para onde vão os moradores da Vila Dique? Veja o vídeo.
View the collection
More Documents
- Roots and Branches
- Countries and organizations address the reports presented at the Human Rights Council
- Read the comments to the mission report by the United Kingdom
Latest news
- France begins eviction of 650 migrants from Calais camps
- Anti-eviction group creates crowdsourcing map for stories of displacement
- More foreclosures, more middle-aged suicides, study finds
- When it comes to hosting the Olympics, more cities are saying, ‘Hold that thought.’
- European leaders urged to end plight of 600,000 stateless people
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