On May, the UN Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing will promote two consultations as part of the security of tenure project.
The first will be on the 11th, in Quito, Ecuador, in FLACSO headquarters, taking the opportunity of the participation of specialists from several countries in the Latin American Forum on Noteworthy Instruments for Urban Intervention, promoted by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, from May 6 to 10. The event will analyse the main experiences in land policy and planning instruments in Latin America in recent decades.
The second consultation will take place on the 27th and 28th, in Johannesburg, South Africa, organized by the Rapporteur, in partnership with SERI (Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa) and supported by Ford Foundation.
The objective in these consultations is to assess experiences related to the strengthening of security of tenure for the urban poor. Both events will include public officials, legislators, researchers, scholars, NGO members and social movement activists.
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