In the media

European court says tough Spanish eviction laws illegal

The European Court of Justice ruled Thursday that harsh property repossession laws in Spain that have led to hundreds of thousands of evictions during the country’s deep recession violate EU laws on consumer protection.

European court says Spanish eviction laws illegal

The European Court of Justice ruled Thursday that harsh property repossession laws in Spain that have led to hundreds of thousands of evictions during the country’s deep recession violate EU laws on consumer protection, and activists said the decision could lead judges to halt thousands of bank foreclosure proceedings.

Reconstruction of damaged homes and farms in Abyan, Yemen, to cost YR21 billion

The Abyan Reconstruction Fund (ARF) released the results of a survey assessing the extent and costs of damage to homes and farms in Abyan as a result of clashes that have taken place between government forces and the Al-Qaeda affiliated group Ansar Al-Shaira over the past two years.

Cambodian Police Beat Eviction Protesters

Cambodian police beat demonstrators who marched to the prime minister’s house Wednesday to protest being evicted from their homes, a confrontation that highlights how contentious the issue of land grabbing is this election year.

Villagers threatened with eviction

Resettled villagers in the Chitora area of Ward 1 in Shurugwi North are set to lose their farmland and livelihoods over their political affiliation. The area is home to hundreds of people given the relatively fertile farmland by the government. However, according to sources, MDC members have been threatened with eviction by their rivals in Zanu (PF).

Mortgage settlement helps lenders more than homeowners, critics say

Government-directed settlements with major lenders have provided billions of dollars in relief to struggling homeowners caught up in the “robo-signing” debacle of the financial crisis. But those big mortgage servicers appear to be benefiting as well, getting credit in those settlements for forgiving debt that they likely would never have collected anyway.
The banks, meanwhile, say they are providing meaningful relief to customers through debt forgiveness, modified loans and short sales. But some critics believe lenders are not paying a stiff-enough price for botching millions of foreclosures across the country.

Japan commemorates 2011 great temblor amid slow reconstruction

Japan on Monday commemorated the second anniversary of 2011 devastated earthquake and tsunami which destroyed the country’s northeast region, while reconstruction programs in the disaster-hit regions are slow and face serious difficulties.
In the National Theatre in central Tokyo, the government held a memorial ceremony Monday afternoon, with attendance of Emperor Akihito, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and people who lost their families in the catastrophe.

Domestic Violence, Housing, and a Human Rights Win for U.S. Women

March 8 is International Women’s Day, and it’s especially timely for us in the U.S. this year. The recent enactment of legislation reauthorizing and strengthening the Violence Against Women Act is a landmark event for women, and especially low-income women, in the U.S.

Thousands protest in Japan on eve of Fukushima nuclear disaster anniversary

Thousands of anti-nuclear protesters have gathered across Japan. The rallies come on the eve of the two-year anniversary of an earthquake and tsunami that caused the Fukushima disaster.
Tens of thousands of people converged on central Tokyo’s Hibiya Park Sunday in opposition to nuclear power. Activists and scholars gave talks and musicians performed before sign-carrying crowds that marched through the government district of Kasumigaseki to parliament.

Some Fukushima evacuees won’t go home

Two years after the nuclear disaster in Fukushima, many of the inhabitants of affected areas are reluctant to return despite expensive decontamination efforts. An earthquake and tsunami triggered a nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, 20 kilometers away. There were explosions in several reactors and a blanket of radioactive particles settled over the region like an invisible cloak. After farming the land here for generations, the inhabitants of the valley were forced to evacuate the region.