In the media

Favela do Metrô Terrorized through Drawn-out Eviction

Two years on from the first announcements that their houses would be cleared to make way for World Cup 2014 developments, residents of Favela do Metrô are still living through the brutal, drawn out destruction of their community. A stone’s throw from the world famous Maracanã stadium, Favela do Metrô was founded 33 years ago […]

Nepal: Concern over condition of elderly, women and children homeless by evictions

May 13, 2012 The Asian Human Rights Commission condemns the excessive use of force and the lack of due process in the eviction of the community living in the squatter settlements in Thapathali, Kathmandu on the banks of the Bagmati River on 8 May 2012. Over 248 houses, including a school, were destroyed in the […]

Athens 2004 Olympics: what happened after the athletes went home?

As the flame for the London Olympics is kindled in Greece, Helena Smith looks at the legacy of the 2004 Games In the soft Attic light, Athens’s Olympic sports complex does not look like such a bad place. Men and women jog gently under its great steel arches, athletes go in and out of its […]

Cave-dwelling Palestinian farmers facing eviction from homes

May 13, 2012 A unique way of life in the West Bank is under threat after Israel renewed a legal bid to evict more than 1,600 cave-dwelling Palestinian farmers from their land in the desert hills near the Biblical city of Hebron. Israel’s defence ministry is expected to seek court approval this week to destroy […]

UN approves guidelines against land grabbing

May 12, 2012 After three years of discussions, the UN has agreed a document meant to protect local populations against land grabbing. It should help ensure the right to food. When big investors buy up land, small farmers are often driven from the land that feeds them. On Friday (11.05.2012) the 128 countries in the […]

50 hurt in N’ganj eviction drive (Bangladesh)

May 12, 2012 At least 50 people, including some police personnel, were hurt in clashes between police and residents of Narayanganj Railway Colony who were protesting against eviction of the colony on Saturday. As the residents of the colony did not heed to a notice asking them to remove constructions on the Railways Division land, […]

Police beat reporters at land eviction in Vietnam

Police and security guards beat two Vietnamese state radio reporters who were watching them evict farmers from their land to make way for a privately built housing development. More than 1,000 villagers were overpowered by some 3,000 police and militiamen, many of them in full riot gear, during the eviction on April 24 in Hung Yen province, according to witnesses.

Landlords ‘evicting tenants’ to make Olympic profit

Tenants in east London are being evicted from their homes as landlords attempt to cash in on the Olympics, BBC News has learned. The housing charity Shelter says it has seen more evidence of landlords acting unscrupulously and evicting people illegally. One estate agent said properties typically rented for £350 per week were being marketed […]

New housing program for refugees settles its first family in Lakewood (USA)

May 5, 2012 A pilot program operated by two nonprofit groups to place refugees in vacant, foreclosed homes has settled its first family into a renovated house in Lakewood. Bhutanese natives Ruk and Leela Rai, along with their 3-year-old son, Anish, moved into an updated century home on Hopkins Avenue last week. Two years ago, […]

Uganda: World Bank Under Attack for Aiding Land Grabs

May 6, 2012 The World Bank has come under attack after a new report has exposed how commercial projects funded by the Bank are causing poverty, human rights violations in Uganda sparking a barrage of criticisms. Ironically, the report entitled “Land, life and justice: How land grabbing in Uganda is affecting the environment, livelihoods and […]