In the media

German investment to provide Roma with jobs and housing

July 5, 2012 BELGRADE – The Roma National Minority Council and a consortium of German companies represented by Jugoagent KTS and Roma Investment Group signed an MoU on Thursday The memorandum of understanding should provide employment opportunities and solve the housing problems of part of the Roma population in the country. Under the document, the […]

Namibia: Cheap Housing Concept Cold-Shouldered

July 4, 2012 The patent that could be the solution for low-cost housing in Namibia could be lost to the country, if the Kavango Block Brick idea is sold to interested South African investors scrambling for the product that has been cold-shouldered locally. During the formulation of the National Development Plan (NDP) III in 2007, […]

How can housing help migrants integrate into communities?

July 3rd, 2012 The vast majority of housing organisations fail to realise the role they can play in community integration Recent discussion about migration has focused almost entirely on the numbers of people coming into the country, but debates about numbers don’t respond to the issues that emerged in the areas where migrants had gone […]

In the US, California lawmakers pass historic foreclosure protections

(Português) State lawmakers approve what would be the nation’s strongest legislation to help financially troubled borrowers stay in their homes. Gov. Jerry Brown is expected to sign them this week or next. The legislation would make California the first state to prohibit lenders from “dual tracking”, the practice of negotiating with clients to modify a mortgage so that payments become more affordable while simultaneously pursuing foreclosure.

Namibia: Entire Community Faces Eviction

July 3rd, 2012 At least 36 households of the /Khomanin community under the leadership of Chief Josephat Gawa-!Nab who live at Satansloch Farm near Daan Viljoen Game Park are about to be evicted. The farmers, who moved to Satansloch in 2010 after most of them were evicted from nearby farms where they worked, are mainly […]

In the United States, more homeless evictions are expected

July 1st, 2012 More cruel and heartless evictions of the homeless will take place in Fresno on July 16. The City of Fresno has budgeted $968,232 to demolish the Monterey Street Bridge which is the site of several homeless encampments. This bridge, which engineers say can no longer be used for automobile traffic, is currently […]

Panama: village of the damned

April 14th, 2012 One indigenous tribe is engaged in a life and death struggle against the big business interests flooding their land. Away from its busy capital city and famous canal, Panama is one of the world’s most ecologically diverse nations. Yet huge new hydroelectric dam projects now underway are seeing pristine rivers damned and […]

A chance to reduce foreclosure abuse in the USA

July 2nd, 2012 The state with the biggest home foreclosure problem is finally on the verge of adopting new rules to ease the crisis. The overdue changes fix lending abuses that threaten to kick thousands out of their homes. Since 2008, when the housing bubble began deflating, some half million homeowners have landed in foreclosure and […]

Rehousing Romania’s Roma signals swing to extremes

June 29, 2012 Building a wall that closes in a Roma neighborhood and rehousing families in a dilapidated communist-era office block have earned Catalin Chereches accusations of racism. But the actions have also helped the mayor of the northern Romanian town of Baia Mare to become the country’s most popular local politician and shown how […]

A refuge for the Roma in Berlin, Germany

June 30, 2012   It seems unlikely but Berlin, the very city where the genocide of the Roma (Gypsy) peoples was planned 70 years ago, has become the city where they now find refuge. In the suburb of Neukoelln, a large complex of run-down apartments is being done up to become comfortable homes for more […]