In the media

Post flood reconstruction in Mozambique could cost 517 million dollars

According to the Minister of Planning and Development, of this amount about 353 million dollars will be for reconstruction in the public sector and 164 million dollars in the private sector. Flooding in January and February affected over 478,000 people and resulted in 117 deaths. In addition, more than 172,000 people were made homeless.

Chile’s social housing policy: creating socioeconomic ghettos?

Bajos de Mena — a housing project built on the periphery of Santiago between 1994-2004 — is currently the focus of a recently announced multimillion dollar government project to regenerate deprived areas. Despite having a population of more than 120,000, Bajos de Mena lacks a police or fire station, schools, good transportation links or even a supermarket. Housing vulnerable families from across the region, it has also become a hotbed of deprivation, social problems and crime. To understand how a project, which cost millions to build less than 20 years ago, once again requires such a huge investment, it is necessary to examine Chile’s unique social housing policy.

City finally obeys court

More than 100 residents of a block of flats who were embroiled in a bitter legal battle with the city of Johannesburg have moved into alternative accommodation. Yesterday the last residents of 7 Saratoga Avenue in Berea were moved to BVM, a property owned by the Johannesburg Social Housing Company, and the Ekuthuleni shelter.

Foreclosure Settlement Checks Significantly Smaller Than Regulators Forecasted

Two weeks after the first payments began going out as part of the settlement struck in January with mortgage companies, homeowners who suffered improper foreclosures are describing a new injury. Many say they are being denied their rightful compensation under the terms of the deal.

Homeowners in Flood Zones Opt to Rebuild, Not Move

A proposal to buy the damaged homes of New Yorkers who want to relocate after Hurricane Sandy is finding few takers, as most residents opt to rebuild, state officials said on Friday. “It’s up to the homeowner, and the vast bulk of homeowners are deciding to stay right where they are and rebuild,” Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said at a news conference in Albany.

Heavy Rains Displace Hundreds in Jowhar, Somalia

Torrential rains battered Jowhar for more than 20 hours, flooding villages and displacing more than 200 families, Somalia’s RBC Radio reported. The rains started early Friday, causing residents of Badda As village to flee their homes.

Floods Havoc Hits Murang’a Kiambu Counties in Kenya

Over 10,000 families have been rendered homeless by floods in Central region, Kenya Red Cross officials have said. Red Cross official in-charge of Central and upper Eastern region Gerard Bombe said the most affected parts are Murang’a, Nyeri and Kiambu counties. He said over 2,000 acres under maize, bananas and beans plantation have also been destroyed by the floods.

Reconstruction work begins in China’s quake-hit area

Chinese authorities in Sichuan province Friday began the reconstruction process in the wake of a deadly earthquake that killed 196 people and injured thousands. As teams kept up a desperate search and rescue effort for survivors in the southwestern province, hit by a 7-magnitude quake Saturday, provincial officials said post-quake reconstruction work cannot wait.

Resident Groups Combat Spike in Evictions in Germany

Skyrocketing rents in many German cities are pitting residents against real estate developers and landlords. The recent death of an elderly woman forced out of her apartment has emboldened alliances to protest evictions with sit-ins.

Mwingi Villagers Protest Court’s Eviction Order in Kenya

More than 100 residents of Kawala in Mumoni district on Monday staged a sit in at the Mwingi law court premises protesting an order issued by the court to evict some of them. The group, that included uniformed school children, brought with them a memorandum addressed to Chief Justice Willy Mutunga.