
The Affordable Housing Crisis in the US

December 04, 2012 New York Times Editorial The precious few federal programs that provide rental assistance to the nation’s poorest and most vulnerable families are already underfinanced. These programs provide decent housing for about only a quarter of the low-income families who qualify for them. And with nearly nine million households teetering on the verge of […]

London councils face questions for housing families outside the capital

The government has called in London councils over concerns that homelessness numbers are soaring, after research revealed the scale of plans being drawn up to send families to live in temporary housing outside the capital.
As cuts shrink the number of properties affordable to people on benefits, more than 20 London local councils have rented properties as far as Corby, Cornwall, Blackpool, Southampton and Newcastle to house families that could end up on the streets in London.

Make the voices of Africa’s inhabitants heard

From 4 to 8 December the IAI will make the voices of Africa’s urban inhabitants heard at Dakar by hosting and participating in a series of events, including the Sixth Africities Summit (no registration charge for anyone to attend the Thematic Session on Associations of Inhabitants) and meetings with local residents organisations in the neighbourhoods. In this way the network is building upon relationships and convergences developed at the last World Assembly of Inhabitants (WAI, WSF Dakar 2011) and encouraging participation in the next WAI which will take place in Tunis (WSF, March 2013). Your signature is needed to support the recognition of inhabitants organisations.

CoreLogic: 58,000 Homes Lost to Foreclosure in October in the US

December 3rd, 2012 There were 58,000 foreclosures completed in the United States during the month of October, CoreLogic reported Monday with the release of its latest National Foreclosure Report. October’s tally was down 17 percent from last year when 70,000 foreclosures were completed during the month.   On a month-over-month basis, completed foreclosures fell 25 percent. CoreLogic […]

Free Webinar: “The Human Right to Housing: A Report Card on U.S. Policy”

FREE WEBINAR  The Human Right to Housing: A Report Card on U.S. Policy Monday, December 10 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. EST On Monday, December 10, in commemoration of Human Rights Day, the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty will be hosting a free webinar on U.S. compliance with the human right to housing. In June 2011, the […]

Hindus and Sikhs – homeless Afghan citizens

For hundreds of years, Hindus and Sikhs have lived in Afghanistan. But even after the fall of the Islamist Taliban regime, they face growing discrimination, forcing many to leave. But, despite being there for centuries, they are discriminated against for their beliefs. The war years forced many people belonging to these two non-Muslim minorities to leave the country. Sometimes you can recognize them on the streets, usually because of their black or wine-red turbans and opulent beards. Others look no different from the rest of the pedestrians, aside from the fact that they may be homeless.

Human Rights Defenders and Land Ownership in Uganda

November 29, 2012 by JAMIE HITCHEN Northern Uganda is rising from the debris of a long conflict involving the rebel Lord’s Resistance Movement. Many challenges remain especially on land issues. But human rights defenders are trying to help. Lira Town, situated some 350km from Kampala to the north, is an area deeply affected by the […]

Hurricane Sandy’s Rising Costs

November 27, 2012 The New York Times Editorial Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s latest request for federal aid to help New York recover from Hurricane Sandy presents a shattering picture of what a giant storm can do to a dense metropolitan area. The total price tag, he said, would be more than $42 billion: $33 billion to repair […]

Tipping the Scales in Housing Court

November 29, 2012 by MATTHEW DESMOND IT’S easy to tell who’s going to win in eviction court. On one side of the room sit the tenants: men in work uniforms, mothers with children in secondhand coats, confused and crowded together on hard benches. On the other side, often in a set-aside space, are not the landlords […]

Japan puts reconstruction projects not linked to disaster zones on hold

November 28, 2012 Japan’s government has suspended 35 projects included in a budget for reconstruction from the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami after criticism the spending was not directly related to recovery from the disasters. As much as a fourth of the 11.7 trillion yen ($148 billion) budget had been earmarked for unrelated projects, including […]