Salwa Duaibis


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Saudi women marked a historic day on September 25th, 2011 when King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz gave the kingdom’s women the right to vote and to participate in municipal elections for the first time in the kingdom’s history. More significantly, the king also allowed Saudi women to become members of the country’s top advisory body,…
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According to an article in "" published on July 20th, 2011, between December 2007 and August 2010, housing prices in Israel jumped by 35%. Women with low income are the first to default on their un-affordable rent and to face eviction. Concentration of wealth in the hands of a few businessmen and the steep defense…
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Right wing members of the Israeli Knesset (Israeli Parliament) have sent a letter to the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahoo urging him to solve the housing problem in Israel by building massively in the occupied Palestinian territory, on land recognized by the UN and the international community as belonging to the Palestinian people.
From Nejiba Zaier عسلامة سلوى.وبالنسبة للحق في السكن وفي خصوص تونس فان القانون الوضعي يطبق القاعدة المنصوص عليها بالبند 17 من الاعلان العالمي لحقوق الانسان والذي يقتضي أنه لكل شخص الحق…
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Tunisia (an interview with Anissa Saidi) Corruption left over from the old regime and high cost of housing units remain to be the main obstacles facing Tunisian women. The wealthy elite associated with the ex-regime own vast areas of land and live in extravagant houses while the poor and unemployed live in slums. Vast areas of land were…
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