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Hi Everyone, Mayra, thanks for your succinct summary of some key issues that have global significance. On the issue of autonomy -- a pretty typical scenario that plays itself out in North America is as follows: a woman experiences domestic or household violence; she tries to leave; goes to a shelter or a friends place; she has no money and…
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Hi Everyone, Sorry I was silent for so long ... I took a much needed vacation! I am glad to see some people are beginning a discussion on the housing issues confronting women in the US and Canada. I have lots of questions that I would like to ask ... but let me start with just one: From the comments above it is clear that there is an…
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Hi There, I’m Leilani Farha, the North American regional focal point for this exciting project. I’m very interested to see where we can take this discussion on women’s land and housing rights in North America. In particular I am hoping we can come up with more than just concerns, but also creative recommendations that, if…
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Hi All, I'm Leilani Farha - the focal point for North America. By way of introduction, I am a human rights lawyer in Ottawa, Canada and the Executive Director of the Centre for Equality Rights in Accommodation (CERA). CERA is an economic and social rights organization focused on addressing discrimination and inequality in housing. We…
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Hi there, Mayra, I agree - so much of what the then Special Rapporteur said remains relevant and vital. At the same time, I think in the North American context (and perhaps in the European context as well as per Vanesa and Mariko's comments above), there is a way in which the global economic crisis is what we seem to need to…
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