Mayra Gomes
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Hi everyone,
Seems like we have seen some legal and policy advancements for women’s housing rights in a few countries. While many challenges exist, including some new challenges, the outlook is not all negative.
For example, India’s Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act 2005 resulted in daughters becoming equal inheritors of coparcenary…
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Thanks for the posting, Milena. Do you know what law in Serbia made it so that you could remove the perpetrator from the home, no matter which partner owns the property? I think there are several emerging provisions like this at the national level in many countries. If you have a reference to the law, that would be very…
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That's a really powerful video, Vanesa. I am glad to hear her situation was helped thanks to social mobilization. In the USA we have had similar stories. Many have not been so lucky as Marisa. Rosemary Williams lived on the same block in Minneapolis for 55 years. Twenty-eight years ago, she and her mother purchased a home there. When…
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And for your next coffee break, check out this video on women's land rights in Timor-Leste. This 5 minute video showcases women's participation in the national land claims collection process in Timor-Leste, with an emphasis on women's constitutional right to own land.
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